How to learn anything (with ChatGPT)

The Modern Feynman Technique

written by JOSH GESSNER | The Curious Competitor

Learning is hard.

I never knew where to start with a complex topic.

Until I found the Feynman Technique.

This framework supercharged my learning, and might do the same for you:

When I want to learn:

• Game Theory

• Neuroscience

• Machine Learning

The Feynman Technique helps me simplify and understand complex topics.

Here's how:

Richard Feynman named the Feynman Technique.

• American physicist

• Nobel prize in 1965

• Revolutionary work in quantum electrodynamics.

He was smart.

But he's true genius was his ability to simplify complex topics.

He noticed that using complex concepts and jargon:

Was a mask for a lack of deep understanding.

The Feynman Razor was born:

(A “razor” is a rule of thumb that simplifies decision making.)

If someone uses lots of complexity and jargon, they don't understand it."

The Feynman Technique makes sure we understand topics at a deep level.

It involves 4 steps.

1) Develop Base Knowledge

2) Pretend to teach a 5 yr old

3) Identify the gaps in understanding

4) Fill gaps

Lets cover each step:

Step 1) Develop Base Knowledge

Develop a base layer of knowledge around the topic.

• Write down everything you know

• Go read & research

• Add all new learnings

Continue until you have a decent understanding of the topic.

Step 2) Teach a 5yr old

Prepare to be humbled.

Pretend like you're explaining the topic to a 5 yr old.

• No jargon

• No difficult words

• Relate it to something they would understand

This should be hard.

2.1) ChatGPT

Step 2 is difficult.

I use Chatgpt to help me out.

Example prompt:

"Explain what a neural network is so that a 5 yr old can understand"

Step 3) Identify the gaps in understanding

How well were you able to explain the topic to a 5 yr old?

Did you use jargon?

Had trouble simplifying?

These are the gaps in your understanding.

Step 4) Fill the gaps

Now you know where you lack deep understanding.

Fill those gaps by:

Iterating with Chatgpt.

Tell it to 'simplify' or 'explain to a kid' until you gain base knowledge.

It's backed by science.

Called the Protege Effect, studies show that we retain:

• 90% of what we teach

• 30% of what we read

That's a 60% increase by pretending to teach someone.

ChatGPT is our best friend for understanding complex topics.

Instead of doing all the thinking yourself:

Let a second brain think for you.

The Feynman Technique supercharged my learning.

I hope it does the same for yours.