What it's like to get traded in MLB

my experience

written by JOSH GESSNER | The Curious Competitor

In 2021, I was traded from the Philadelphia Phillies to the Texas Rangers.

I left my friends, teammates and coaches I knew for 3 years.

Here's what happens (and what it's like to get traded):

Social Media knows before you do.

During the 2021 MLB trade deadline, I was hanging out with my roommates.

“Yo Josh you just got traded…”

My roommate shows me a Tweet, with my name on it. I just... GOT TRADED?

It comes out of nowhere.

I was in Rookie Ball, the lowest level in the Minor Leagues.

I had no clue I was involved in any trade talks - until it was announced.

You get shipped out, fast.

Within the hour I get a call from the head of minor leagues.

“We decided to trade you to the Texas Rangers...”

The good byes are brief - that same night I had a flight to join my new team.

You feel every emotion.

Disbelief turns into excitement, doubt, and sadness.

It’s exciting to join a new team…

But sad to leave the team that had been your home for 3 years.

It’s not personal - it’s business.

The Phillies needed some extra pieces to win in the Major Leagues.

To get those pieces, I just happened to be involved.

I learned quickly that baseball is a business.

It’s hard to know where you stand.

Did the Rangers want me?

Or did the Phillies get rid of me?

Most of the time it’s the first, but in the moment, you don’t really know.

You feel a strong urge to impress.

New team, new teammates, new coaches.

You feel the need to impress, as the 'new guy'.

The best ones remember that baseball is baseball, wherever you go.

You build new relationships.

During my time with the Phillies, I made many valuable relationships.

When I got traded, I got to repeat this process with a whole new organization.

It can accelerate your career.

Many players who get traded get their careers accelerated.

Some of my friends who got traded made the Big Leagues soon after.

You have a cool story to tell.

When everything's said and done:

You can look back on your career and know you’ve had a cool experience.