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- 5 Step ATG Mobility Routine
5 Step ATG Mobility Routine
To Increase Pitching Velocity

written by JOSH GESSNER | The Athletter
Good morning to all new and old readers! Here is today’s edition of TheAthletter, exploring stories, ideas, and frameworks to be the best Baseball Player you can be.
5 Step ATG Mobility Routine (To Increase Pitching Velocity):
This is the video version that goes in to depth about each point:
How do we increase mobility?
It's important to understand how muscle flexibility works.
There are 3 main components:
Muscle Spindles.
Inside your muscles, there are things called spindles.
Spindles detect when a muscle is stretched...
And contracts the muscle if it's stretched too far.
This is called the stretch reflex and keeps our body safe.
But over reactive stretch reflex can limit flexibility.
Key point:
Desensitize the stretch reflex that resists the stretch of the muscle.
Golgi Tendon Organs (GTOs)
GTOs are in the tendons and monitor muscle tension.
When tension increases, they signal the muscle to relax, allowing for more range.
Key point:
Increase GTO activation.
Neural Adaptation
The nervous system needs to adapt to muscles being stretched...
Becoming less likely to trigger protective contractions.
Key point:
Regularly expose the brain to stretched muscles.
Basically to increase Mobility:
Desensitize the stretch reflex.
Increase GTO activation.
Consistently expose brain to stretched muscles.
How do we do that?
Loaded Stretching
This is something I was introduced to from Knees Over Toes Guy.
He didn’t see a huge difference in his mobility until he started stretching with weights.
This is very similar to my story:
I couldn’t touch my knees with straight legs, but I was stretching every day.
I felt like I was making no progress.
I only started making progress when I incorporated weights with my stretching...
For Example: For flexion going forward, I started doing the Jefferson curl.
You have weights in your hand, and they pull you into the stretch.
The weights pull you into deeper ranges of motion that you wouldn’t have had access to without the weights.
If you’re standing with straight legs and stretching, you’ll stop at a certain range unless you really push it.
But with weights, they keep pulling you into a deeper stretch
This opened up my spine, my legs, and the whole posterior chain.
For the hip flexor, I did the ATG split squat.
For the inner thighs, I did Cossack squats.
I did this for my upper body as well.
Loaded stretching checks off the all the boxes needed to gain mobility.
Muscle spindles are less active because of a slow, controlled motion.
GTO activates because you are putting muscle through an intensive stretch.
You access deeper ranges of motion that tells your brain it's okay to get into.
One thing to note:
If your body tenses up and resists the stretch, then you’re going too heavy.
You want it to be a relaxing where your body lets the weights pull you without resisting or contracting.
Stretch Strength Training
This is very similar to stretching with weights.
But with this, we are building strength in the deep positions:
Not just getting into them.
You want to build strength in these deep positions because even if you can get into them:
It won’t help you on the baseball field if you can’t get out of them with strength.
As a pitcher, we go through deep ranges of motion, and we want to be strong in these positions to maximize performance.
For Example:
A full DB Press stretches your pec and shoulder...
But to complete the rep you need the strength to get out of that stretched position.
So with this training you get the best of both worlds:
Deeper ranges of motion and strength.
Passive Stretching
I know I said I started doing passive stretching and it wasn’t helping much, but after a deep dive:
I found that passive stretching is the best way to increase flexibility if done consistently and frequently.
The Optimal Static Stretching Protocol:
• 30 second hold • 5+ days a week • 5 mins a week • 30-40% intensity
Let's cover each one:
30 second hold
The optimal length to hold a static stretch is 30 seconds.
No additional benefit was found when stretches were held for 60 seconds. 5 days a week.
For best results, you need to stretch consistently for at least 5 days a week.
But don't worry...
5 min per week.
You only need to stretch for 5 min per week.
So that means 2-3 sets per day of 30 second holds.
30-40% intensity.
In a 6 week flexibility training study - one group stretched at 30-40% intensity.
The other stretched at 80%+ intensity.
What they found was the first group had resulted in better flexibility.
Stretches should feel easy, and almost relaxing.
Stretch Power
What I'm doing now is transitioning this to my throwing.
I start with medicine balls.
For example: For spinal mobility, I do wave throws with a medicine ball.
I access my improved range of motion, then learn to get out of it explosively.
Finally, I incorporate it into my throw through plyo balls and throwing drills.
Here's an example training day:
So that's how I think about it.
Develop flexibility through passive stretching and stretching with weights.
Build strength in deep positions with stretch strength training.
Then transition it to throwing mechanics with drills.
For Example Exercises, watch the video here:
Whenever you’re ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:
1. Free 9 Week Program: A free generic program for those looking to gain velocity.
2. ThePitcherLab: Exclusive group of pitchers looking to work 1-1 with us. Our mission is to help you become good enough to get recruited or signed. Full Stack Program, Full Mechanical Breakdown, Daily Feedback. DM me ‘1-1’ for details.